Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Carb Addiction: Cake Is The New Crack

Just read a great little article Carb Addiction: Cake Is The New Crack by Kevin Cann. I think my friends are sick of my Facebook shares so I am going to start blogging them instead. It's so interesting to me how cravings have pretty much disappeared since switching to the Paleo Diet. Now I crave real food, not foods that are bad for me!

I am so happy that I can say no to sweets and cake without even thinking twice. Just today at lunch a big sugary cake sat right there, and I didn't even think it looked good. It smelled horrible and I had to move away from it. Call me a food snob, but I never want to eat like that again.

We should make a new version of D.A.R.E.: Dare to be cake-free :)

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